Know why your belly is full with excessive gas and makes you uncomfortable.
Belly gas is one of the common reasons for your mental anguish. However, it is a familiar complaint at one time or the other in almost every person’s life. For several reasons such as poor food habits, sedentary life, or negligence on certain precautions, you become a victim of gas.
Even so excessive gas means something wrong with your lifestyle or your belly.
Figuring out the reason for extreme gas is good to decide ways of management and keep condition under a wrap.
Food is considered as a major culprit for excessive gas, perhaps beans are a long-familiar cause. American Gastroenterological Association had mentioned the effect of gas production from some foods.
Foods that are not completely digested and contain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, upon reaching the colon gets fermented by colonic bacteria and produce gas. Hence cutting back on such foods can help to reduce a gas problem on a large extent. Milk and milk products, cabbage, carrots, wheat, pasta and potatoes are responsible for reasonable gas production.
Soft drinks
Modern culture calls for use of soft drinks on every occasion of life or on a daily basis. As soft drink contains carbon dioxide, it can produce a large amount of gas when warmed in the stomach documented by American Gastroenterological Association. However, these beverages’ intake leads to belch rather than flatus.
American College of Gastroenterology states some medications are responsible for gas-related symptoms while achieving their intended action. Acarbose, an anti-diabetes drug, purposefully inhibit a digestive enzyme to reduce blood-sugar level and can produce gas as side-effects. Cough syrups containing indigestible sugars like sorbitol encourage bacterial growth in colon and stimulate gas production.
Check out medication from your doctor if you are noticing gas problems at the same time you start intake of drugs.
Swallowing of excessive air
Swallowing some amount of air is normal while breathing or eating. However, when more than usual air gets swallowed, you will notice gas in your belly. Chewing gum, smoking and eating food hurriedly causes swallowing of undue air, which is a lot more than normal, and hence leads to excessive flatulence.
Anxiety and gas are both interrelated issues. Researchers believe that anxiety aggravates belly’s gas while gas in abdomen can make you more anxious.
Firstly, anxiety attack make you swallow too much air unintentionally which make you belly full with air. Secondly, anxiety is major contributor for hampering food processing inside digestive tract. So, undigested foods favor bacterial growth and fermentation to produce gas in excess.
A study published in Journal of Nursing Research reported that daily stress in women with irritable bowel syndrome experiences abdominal pain, bloating and intestinal gas.
Thus, anxiety, stress and irritable bowel syndrome exhibit common digestive symptoms.
Lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance is a clinical condition where the body is unable to digest lactose, a natural sugar found in milk and dairy products.
Usually lactose from milk or dairy products converted into simple sugars in the digestive tract which gets absorbed into bloodstream and used for energy production. This breaks down carried out with an enzyme ‘Lactase’. When a small intestine is run out to produce an enough lactase, lactose from milk remains undigested. Undigested lactose on reaching a colon serves as a food for colonic bacteria. Colonic bacterial fermentation results in uncomfortable symptoms like gas and abdominal cramps.
Little bit of knowledge about causes and a self-management approach are more helpful in long run relief of belly gas.
A humble effort of employing diet modification, mild exercises and precautions on gas producing factors effectively help to clear out gas from your abdomen and gift you genuine ease.