Dated: 9th October 2013
A: Call for Publication of Research Papers, Thesis Abstract, Book Reviews and Case Studies in Refereed & Indexed International Journals, October – December, 2013 Issues
B: Call for Members to join as Member of ‘Editorial Advisory Board’
Sir / Madam
Pezzottaite Journals is into the publications of research articles, book reviews, case studies and thesis abstracts available and accessible world wide as online and print volumes. All of our research journals are peer-reviewed to ensure and to bring the highest quality research to the widest possible audience.
We publish original papers that can be applied, conceptual, theoretical and empirical in nature, case studies, thesis abstract, book reviews and briefs. Articles may take an economic or behaviour approach, but all reflect rigorous analysis and a depth of knowledge of relevant theory and existing literature. Empirical work is based upon the scientific method, modern sampling procedures and statistical analysis. Quality is maintained by rigorous double-blind review by an international panel of reviewers. Contributions are encouraged to submit original manuscripts which include analysis of existing practice, methods and activities; applications of new ideas and methods; and research on various aspects suiting the aims and objectives of the journal.
We invite Research based, Empirical, Applied or Conceptual Papers, Extracts of Ph.D. Thesis, Book Reviews and Case Studies from both Academicians and Corporate Professionals. We will publish papers in different functional areas of management. Submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed and process will take 5days before publication. Editor in Chief / Managing Editor reserves the right to make necessary editorial amendments in the final manuscript to suit respective Journal format.
Deadline for Submission of Full Papers is 17th October 2013 for October – December Issues.
Submission of Manuscript
a) International Journal of Applied Financial Management Perspectives
ISSN: 2279-0896 (PRINT) ISSN: 2279-090X (ONLINE)
b) International Journal of Retailing And Rural Business Perspectives
ISSN: 2279-0934 (PRINT) ISSN: 2279-0942 (ONLINE)
c) International Journal of Entrepreneurship And Business Environment Perspectives
ISSN: 2279-0918 (PRINT) ISSN: 2279-0926 (ONLINE)
d) International Journal of Applied Services Marketing Perspectives
ISSN: 2279-0977 (PRINT) ISSN: 2279-0985 (ONLINE)
e) International Journal of Organizational Behaviour And Management Perspectives
ISSN: 2279-0950 (PRINT) ISSN: 2279-0969 (ONLINE)
f) International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Sciences Perspectives
ISSN: 2319-9016 (PRINT) ISSN: 2319-9024 (ONLINE)
g) International Journal of Logistics and Supply Chain Management Perspectives
ISSN: 2319-9032 (PRINT) ISSN: 2319-9040 (ONLINE)
h) International Journal of Trade and Global Business Perspectives
ISSN: 2319-9059 (PRINT) ISSN: 2319-9067 (ONLINE)
Guidelines for Submission
· Author Guidelines & Publishing Guidelines – will brief on different aspects of publishing of manuscript with us.
Frequency of Publication
Journals are available in ‘Print’ Format bearing ISSN Numbers
Print Version – Quarterly; Journal copy will be forwarded to researchers free of cost within India only.
Please find attached ‘Call for Papers’ that will brief you on Profile, Salient Features, Benefits of Publication with us, and Journals Titles with Aims & Scope.
I’m writing because I would like to present an opportunity to you to join us as member of ‘Editorial Advisory Board’ and ‘Reviewers Board’. Pezzottaite Journals aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the different disciplines. The emphasis will be on publishing quality articles rapidly and making them available to researchers worldwide. Pezzottaite Journals is dedicated to publish peer-reviewed significant research work and delivering quality content through information sharing.
Pezzottaite Journals seek academicians and corporate people from around the world who are interested in serving our voluntarily ‘Editorial Advisory Board’ and ‘Reviewers Board’ of our newly incorporated firm. Your professional involvement will greatly benefit the success of Pezzottaite Journals. It is crucial that you support us in accomplishing this goal by extending your professional assistance in a timely fashion.
We strongly believe in our responsibility as stewards of a public trust. As a consequence, we strictly avoid even the appearance of conflicts-of-interest; we adhere to processes and policies that have been carefully developed to provide clear and objective information, and it is mandate for members to follow them.
You have privilege to nominate yourself for any /all of our journals after going through the ‘Aims & Scope of Journals’.
Qualifying Norms:
For member of ‘Editorial Advisory Board’, you must be one of the following:
· Vice Chancellors / Deans / Directors / Principals / Head of Departments / Professors with D.Sc. / D.Litt. / Ph.D. only;
· Government Department Heads;
· Senior Professionals from Corporate;
· Retired Senior Professionals from Government / Corporate / Academia are also welcome.
For member of ‘Reviewers Board’, you must be one of the following:
· Vice Chancellors / Deans / Directors / Principals / Head of Departments with D.Sc. / D.Litt. / Ph.D. only;
· Professors / Associate Professors with D.Sc. / D.Litt. / Ph.D. only;
· Retired Professors are also welcome.
You have privilege to nominate yourself for any /all of our journals after going through the ‘Aims & Scope of Journals’.
a) Updated Resume,
b) A Scanned Photograph, and
c) Academic Area of Interest.
If you have any query, write to us. We will respond to you inquiry, shortly. If you have a colleague who may enjoy serving on our volunteer ‘Editorial Advisory Board’, and ‘Reviewers Board’, feel free to forward our invitation to them.
Dr. D Jain
Editor In Chief
Pezzottaite Journals,
64/2, Trikuta Nagar,
K. K. Gupta Lane,
Jammu Tawi,
Jammu & Kashmir -180012,
(M): +91-9419216270 – 71