Nicole Kidman Over The Years

The fresh-faced beauty who managed to escape the ravages of time: So Nicole , how come you've hardly aged a day in 20 years?

PUBLISHED: 00:36 GMT, 11 October 2013 UPDATED: 08:06 GMT, 11 October 2013
Australian actress Nicole Kidman turned 46 in June - yet somehow she has defied the ravages of time. Here, CLAIRE CISOTTI takes a closer look at the flame-haired star and marvels at just how she does it...
Fresh-faced, she's been wed to Tom Cruise for three years
Still looking strangely ageless despite turning 46
Fresh-faced, she's been wed to Tom Cruise for three years (left)... and still looking strangely ageless despite turning 46 (right)
1994: Appointed a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF
1994: Appointed a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF
1995: Triumph as Batman Forever smashes records
1995: Triumph as Batman Forever smashes records
1996:  Winning her first Golden Globe for To Die For
1996: Winning her first Golden Globe for To Die For
1997: Where are the smile lines as she approaches 30?
1997: Where are the smile lines as she approaches 30?
1998: Nude stage role in The Blue Room makes headlines
1998: Nude stage role in The Blue Room makes headlines
1999: Naked again, this time with Tom in Eyes Wide Shut
1999: Naked again, this time with Tom in Eyes Wide Shut
2000: At the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party
2000: At the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party
2001: Nicole and Tom  split - irreconcilable differences
2001: Nicole and Tom split - irreconcilable differences

    2002: Makes the Australian rich list, estimated at �70m
    2002: Makes the Australian rich list, estimated at �70m
    2003: The face of Chanel No.5, she gets �7m for one advert
    2003: The face of Chanel No.5, she gets �7m for one advert
    2004: Robbie Williams admits they had a short romance
    2004: Robbie Williams admits they had a short romance
    2005: Meets husband No 2, country singer Keith Urban
    2005: Meets husband No 2, country singer Keith Urban
    2006: Nicole and Keith marry in Sydney
    2006: Nicole and Keith marry in Sydney
    2007: Stars as a villain in The Golden Compass
    2007: Stars as a villain in The Golden Compass
    2008: Gives birth to daughter Sunday Rose
    2008: Gives birth to daughter Sunday Rose
    2009:  Sings her heart out in the musical Nine
    2009: Sings her heart out in the musical Nine
    2010: Daughter Faith arrives via a surrogate
    2010: Daughter Faith arrives via a surrogate
    2011: Plays a death-row groupie in The Paperboy
    2011: Plays a death-row groupie in The Paperboy
    2012: In talks to star in Grace Kelly biopic
    2012: In talks to star in Grace Kelly biopic