Dear Sir/Ma'am,
With the objective of creating a forum for research scholars, industrialists, academicians and students to discuss current issues, challenges and research scopes in the field of Mechanical Engineering & Printing Technology, Somany (PG) Institute of Technology and Management, Rewari, (Haryana) announces “National Conference on Emerging Trends and Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Green Print Pack” . The last date for the submission of full paper has been extended to 12:00 Noon, November 29, 2013.
All proposals in doc format must be submitted via email to After submission, your abstract will be forwarded to the advisory committee members for review and you will get the acceptance notification through email.
The paper format and detailed instructions for submission can be found in the attachments.
In the scope of the main topic of the Conference, we suggest the following subtopics:
Ø Robotics & Mechatronics
Ø Ceramics & Composite materials
Ø Metallurgical Science
Ø Recent trends in Refrigeration & Air Conditioning
Ø Alternative Energy Sources
Ø Tribology & Maintenace
Ø Nanotechnology
Ø Emerging Automotive Technology
Ø Metrology & Quality Control
Ø Industrial Engineering and Operation Research
Ø Condition Monitoring & Fault Diagnosis
Ø Energy Analysis; Finite Time Thermodynamics
Ø Modeling & Simulation
Ø Product Design & Quality Engineering
Ø Rapid Prototyping & Cooling
Ø Printing Decoration
Ø Media industry developments
Ø Conventional and Special Printing
Ø Environmental issues & Sustainability
Ø Digital Printing & Imaging Technology
Ø Cross Media Publishing
Ø Color Reproduction & Management
Ø Textile & Fabric Printing
Ø Printing on Bio Material
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Organizing Committee via email: or directly contact:
Dr.Pushpender Sarao, Convener
Mobile: +91-8059335388
Prof. Krishna Kr. Kasherwal
Mobile: +91-7404213006
Prof. Amit Kumar
Mobile: +91-9896817008
Thanks & Regards