Confederation of Indian Industry


Confederation of Indian Industry is organising two day “Conference on Renewable Energy” on 12-13th December 2014 at Hotel Fortune Grand Ridge, Tirupati. CII – Green Business Centre is the Knowledge Partner for the conference.

The Government is playing an active role in promoting the adoption of renewable energy resources by offering various incentives, such as GBIs and tax holidays. The government has also created a liberal environment for foreign investment in renewable energy projects. India has abundant untapped renewable energy resources. India also has significant potential to produce energy from biomass derived from agricultural and forestry residues.

Sessions Include:

·         Current Trends & Challenges in Policy and Regulation
·         How to scale up Renewable Energy in the Indian Industry?
·         Integration of RE in Indian Building Sector
·         Grid Infrastructure and Energy Storage
·         Session on Financing RE projects  - IREDA

This conference is concurrent with SumInfra 2014- a summit that focuses on sustainable Public-Private-Partnership’s in Infrastructure

Registration Fees:
CII Member:  Rs 843 (includes Service Tax)

Non Member: Rs 1348 (includes Service Tax)

You may avail group discount of 10 % by nominating 3 or more delegates

Register Here:

The DD / Cheque should be in favour of “Confederation of Indian Industry” payable at Chennai and sent to

Confederation of Indian Industry – SR, 98/1, Velacherry Main Road, Guindy, Chennai – 600032.

For more details contact:
Ms Prasanthi Poondla / Mr Ahmed Shariff
Confederation of Indian Industry
prasanthi.p@cii.in | ahmed.shariff@cii.in / 044-42444555/ 605

Event Sponsor
Financial Partner
Co Sponsor



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Ramesh Kymal
Chairman, Energy & Sustainability Sub-Committee, CII Southern Region &
Chairman & Managing Director, Gamesa Wind Turbines (P) Ltd
Confederation of Indian Industry,
Southern Regional Headquarters,
98/1 Velacherry Main Road,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032
Tel: 044 – 42444555
Fax: 044 – 42444510
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