Dear Fellow Researchers,

We have received overwhelming response for the forthcoming ANVESH 2015- Doctoral conference on Management hosted by Institute of Management, Nirma University, Ahmedabad. At the same time, we have also received many requests to extend the last date forsubmission of abstract from the fellow researchers. In view of this, we have decided to extend the Abstract submission date to 31st December 2014 (Wednesday).

For more details kindly refer to the attached brochure. We look forward to your participation in the conference and request you to circulate this information among your fellow researchers. The new submission details are:


 In case you have already submitted your abstract, please ignore this message.
Also please ensure that one of the co-author is pursuing his/her PhD (Doctoral Studies) or has already submitted his/ her thesis and yet to be certified. 

Thanking you,

Conference Chairperson: Prof. Ashwini k. Awasthi & Prof. Jayesh Aagja

Contact Nos.
Conference conveners
Dhyani Mehta - 9537698588
Manjari Mundanad - 9374314888
Tanvi Faldu - 9824954560

Brochure Anvesh 2015.pdf