Reducing Obstacles to Economic Growth

Reducing Obstacles to Economic Growth
The 10th Annual Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
May 27-29, 2015

Theoretical, applied and empirical papers, as well as case studies in all areas of business, including Accounting, Finance, Banking, Management, Marketing, Law and Regulation, Ethics, Economics, Business Technology, Emerging Markets, Cultural issues,  Ph.D. Dissertations and panel proposals are invited for this international symposium.

Hosted By:                Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey

Beykent University, Istanbul, Turkey
St. John’s University, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Southern New Hampshire University, Manchester, NH, United States of America
University of Economics in Katowice, Katowice, Poland
Universidad Catolica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain

Deadlines:       January 31, 2015, submit an abstract or full paper.
                        March 15, 2015, send fees and submit completed paper for the Proceedings.

Conference Fees Include:     Day 1  Registration and Welcome Reception: (Location to be announced)
Day 2 - Conference Day at Beykent University: (Lunch and dinner included)
Day 3 - Cruise along the Bosporus (half day, lunch included).

The following publication opportunities exist only for papers that will be presented:

          Up to 8 best papers will be published in the peer-reviewed journal “Review of Business.”
          All papers and presentations are blind reviewed and will also be published in proceedings (CD) with an ISBN number.
          All presented papers are candidates to be published in our new on-line journal, ‘Journal of the Global Business Research Symposium’ (JGBRS).  Articles submitted should include comments received at the paper presentation and will be reviewed by the track editor.
          A few sessions will be organized for virtual presentations. Those who are interested in organizing special sessions, being a reviewer, or having your institution join us as a symposium co-sponsor; please contact the Program Director.

Please submit your abstract or full paper to the conference website:  blogging.snhu.edu/jgbrs and follow the instructions there after logging in.  If necessary contact Mike Tasto at M.Tasto@snhu.edu.     

Early Registration Fees before March 15 2015 (in US$):
Presenting single paper by March 15:                                          $475
Any additional paper add:                                                           $150
Co-authors, family members, and guests (per person)                                $250
Joining to discuss two papers (no presentation):                         $250
Applying for publication in JGBRS:                                            $ 60
Virtual presentation                                                                     $200
Late Registration, after March 2015, add $100
Paper presenters, if choosing to discuss a paper subtract $75 from the registration fee.

Virtual Presentations: For those who cannot travel, papers can be presented virtually on May 28.  You must indicate that you wish to present or discuss a paper virtually.  The special program committee will get in touch with you concerning time of presentation etc.

Symposium Hosts:             Professor Dr.  Mehmet Emin Karahan (Rector,  Beykent University )
                                                Professor Dr. Yildiz Y. Guzey (Chair, Dept. of Business Administration, Beykent University)
Syposium Director:           Professor Igor M. Tomic ( St. Johns University)

Organizing Committee&
Track Chairs:                     Dr.Hilmi Elifoglu, Program Director, Editor          
Dr.Ivan Abel, Proceedings Editor
Dr. Sudi Apak (Banking  and  Finance)
                                                Dr. Nihat Kucuksavas (Accounting)
                                                Dr. Selahattin Sari (Economics)
                                                Dr.Hakan Bal (Finance)
Dr. Biagio Pilato, Treasurer, GBRS

Best Paper Committee:  Muzaffer Demirci,Maria Pirrone, Cevat Gerni,Turgut Özkan, Slawomir Smyczek, Ilyas Sozen,Salvatore Moccia,
                                           Justyna  Matysiewicz, Mike Tasto, Greg Randolph, Ivan Abel,Sitki Sönmezer.
Online Journal, JGBRS: Mike Tasto, (M.Tasto@snhu.edu) Greg Randolph, Robert Salvino, Igor Tomic,
Special Programs Committee: Mike Tasto, Greg Randolph, Biagio Pilato, Ozlem Tasseven, and Joan Ball.
Symposium Marketing: Joan Ball, Alexandr Gevorkyan, Murat Süslü,Volkan Ongel,Melih Akdoğan,Ayşen Akyüz.,Mustafa Ercilasun

How to Submit a Paper

1.       Please send your abstract or full paper to blogging.snhu.edu/jgbrs and follow the instructions there after logging in.
2.       The deadline for the submission of abstracts or full papers is January 31, 2015.
3.       Submitted papers must NOT have been previously presented, published, or accepted for publication.
4.       To facilitate the blind peer-review process, remove ALL authors identifying information, including acknowledgements, from the document’s text.
5.       Title page should include: manuscript title, author(s) name, title, institution, address, telephone number, e-mail address, acknowledgment, and financial disclosure, if applicable.
6.                The entire paper (title page, abstract, main text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be in ONE document created in MS Word format.
7.                Figures, tables and charts should be placed in the body of the paper- not at the end of the paper.
8.       The paper should not exceed 16 pages single space including ALL tables, appendices and references.
9.       Use Times New Roman 12-point font, single spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 cm) margin all around.
10.    DO NOT use footnotes
11.    DO NOT number the pages of the paper.
12.    The author or one of the co-authors must be available to present the paper at the conference.
13.    All registration fees and a complete paper must be received by us by March 15, 2015.

Yildiz Y. Guzey, Ph. D.                      Beykent University, Turkey
Sławomir Smyczek, Ph. D.                               University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Justyna Matysiewicz, Ph. D.            University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Salvatore Moccia, Ph. D.                  Catolica de Valencia, Spain
Victoria Shoaf, Ph. D.                        St. John’s University, Queens, New York
Vipul Bansal, Ph. D.                           St. John’s University, Queens, New York
Michael T. Tasto, Ph. D.                   Southern New Hampshire University, USA
Gregory Randolph, Ph. D.                               Southern New Hampshire University, USA
Ivan Abel, Ph. D.                                 St. John’s University, Queens, New York, USA
I.Hilmi Elifogli, Ph. D                       St. John’s University, Queens, New York, USA
Homer Bonitsis, Ph. D.                      New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
Igor M. Tomic, Ph. D.                        St. John’s University, Queens, New York, USA

WANTED: Reviewers for the Review of Business journal (peer-reviewed, 45 years of publication), all business fields.  Must have published several articles in peer reviewed journals. Contact Dr. Igor Tomic, Editor at tomici@stjohns.edu.

WANTED: Track editor for the online Journal of the Global Business Research Symposium’ (JGBRS).
The track editor will serve as a reviewer and work with the author toward publishing his/her article.
Contact Mike Tasto at M.Tasto@snhu.edu.