ISSN : 2319-8753
ISSN : 2347-6710
(A Monthly Peer-reviewed Online Journal)
Volume IV, Issue V, May 2015
IJIRSET is about to launch the next issue on 15th May 2015. We would like to invite Faculty / PG Students/ Research Scholars to contribute their research papers to IJIRSET (ht tp://
Author(s) are requested to prepare their manuscript as per the attached IJIRSET Single Column paper format and submit to
For author’s convenience, we strongly do the following:
1. Quick Response will be given within 8 hours with paper ID.
2. Author(s) will get their acceptance / rejection notification within 10 days.
3. All the accepted papers will be open accessible with full PDF format.
4. Each author will be issued e-publication certificate and Individual Hard copy of publication certificate for each author. [Indian authors only]
5. Maximum of four authors are permitted for each research paper.
6. Hard copy will be delivered by Speed Post to all the requested authors [ Optional].
8. Impact Factor: 1.682
9. Foreign authors can pay using PAYPAL [Credit Card Payment].
10. Each of the paper to be published shall be assigned DOI [Digital Object Identifier] .
SERVICES to Conference Organizers:
Conference organizers can send a request mail to the Editor-in-Chief about the conference dates, name of conference and contact number of the conference organizers.
For any National/ International conference, we will take care of the following:
1. Publish papers as SPECIAL I SSUE [Online publication] once the conference is completed. [Papers published in 10 to 15 days from the day of conference]
2. Print the papers as SPECIAL ISSUE [ Hard copy of proceedings]
3. Soft copy of proceedings through CD format.
4. Participation or Publication Certificates to each author of the paper
[Both hard copy and soft copy]
Important dates:
Manuscript submission last date: 09th May 2015
Author notification: 5 days after submission
Launch of next issue: 15th May 2015
Access our current issue :
Publication Charges :
Rs.2000 / 90 USD (Foreign Authors) if online publication
Rs.2500/ 140 USD (Foreign Authors) if both hard copy and online publication.
Feel free to mail us if you have any queries :
Best Regards