Dear Faculty / Scholar, Greeting from EIHE !!! We would like to invite all academicians and scholars from Business Management, Commerce, Engineering , Technology, Science and allied fields to contribute research paper, articles, case study for our Double blind reviewed and referred journalspresently indexed at Index Copernicus, ISRA, DRJI, Citefactor, Researchbible, Global Impact Factor, DIIF, Jour Informatics, Journal Index, Inno-Space, General Impact Factor, Open Academic Journal Index and Freewebsubmission. It has applied at Thompson Reuters, Scopus, DOAJ, ,Journalseek, CiteseerX, New Journal Impact Factor, DAIJ, and Indian Citation Index. A. International Journal of Research in Management& Social Science ISSN: 2322 – 0899 B. International Journal of Advance & Innovative Research ISSN: 2394– 7780 C. International Journal of Research in Science &Technology ISSN: 2394 - 9554 The journals provide an opportunity for researchers and practitioners for the publication of innovative intellectual research, which contributes to the acceptance of a new holistic professional approach that ensures a scientifically, cost-effectively,in a social context and economically acceptable deployment of new technologies. Deadline for submission of Research Articles has been extended: 03.08.15 Get a complimentary copy of journal along with publication certificate after publication of the paper. You are kindly requested to circulate the email among the faculty colleagues and peers. In case of any query, please feel free to contact us. With Best Regards Publishing Editor9999817591 |