Dear Sir/Madam,
K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research (SIMSR) is pleased to announce the 12th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference, to be held on February 9-10, 2017 in Mumbai, India. The Conference is being organized in academic partnership with College of Business & Public Administration, California State University, San Bernardino, USA; University of Applied Sciences, Upper Austria, International Institute of Marketing Professionals (IIMP) , Canada , K Analytics and is ably supported by AMDISA.
The theme for the 12th SIMSR Global Marketing Conference is "NEW AGE CUSTOMER CENTRIC MARKETING". The Conference focuses on the construct of Customer Centric Marketing and its scope and relevance across various aspects in the marketing arena.
The SOUTH ASIAN JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT (SAJM - Published by AMDISA) has confirmed a Special Issue on the theme ‘New Age Customer Centric Marketing’ of the Conference. SAJM is indexed as a ‘C’ Category Journal in the ABDC List of Journals.
The details of the Conference and Submission guidelines are available in the attached Conference Brochure. l We solicit your cooperation in kindly circulating this conference information to your friends in the Academia, Industry Professionals, Management & Doctoral students and any other interested individuals known to you.
For inquiry regarding the submission process and registration at the conference please contact the Organizing Committee by email at: simsrglobalmktg@somaiya.ed u
We look forward to your active participation in making this Conference a grand success.
Warm Regards,
Prof. Ralston
Assistant Professor in Marketing
Member - Organizing Committee,
February 09-10, 2017, Mumbai.
K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai
Gurukul Business Review
(The Annual Referred Journal)
Impact Factor 1.223 rated by IIFS
ISSN No : 0973-1466 (Offline)
Listed in Cabell’s directory
Ever since its first issue, it has been a great success journey for Gurukul Business Review with a continuing support from researchers, academicians and practitioners from national and international arena.
“Gurukul Business Review”, today, is an internationally acclaimed Annual Journal of Management with research paper contributions pouring in from across the borders as well. The main objective of the journal is to develop, promote and coordinate the best management practices in fast changing organizational environment of the corporate world.
It also aims to help professionals working in the field of Management, organizational behaviour & development and business educators and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate information and to learn from each other’s work. The international dimension is emphasized in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating change in managerial practices and changes in the global economy.
The Journal publishes original, well-written, self-contained papers that elucidate novel research and innovation in management and business world which advance the field of Management fundamentally and significantly. Published yearly, the journal will:
• Provide a vibrant forum for both academicians and industry specialists to explore the traditional and modern managerial practices and organizational development activities.
• Bring innovative research on all aspects of business management from analytical, behavioral and psychological perspectives.
• Enable rapid dissemination of latest research and innovation, supported with a double-blind peer review process.
GUIDELINES for Contributors
The Journal seeks to publish original articles related to theoretical and empirical aspect of Business Management. Significant theoretical or practical import for an understanding of the issues relating to Business Management and integrative papers based on multi-disciplines are particularly welcome. The manuscripts should be in English language, typed on A4 sized paper, double spaced on only one side with wide margin. Each manuscript must be preceded by an abstract (200-250 words) based on the theme of whole article.
Title: The title should be concise and on a separate sheet where abstract is present together with author’s name(s), current position, address, telephone, email etc.
Table and Figures: Table and Figures (Graphs etc.) should be on separate pages with appropriate self explanatory title and intended position in the text.
References: References should be listed in alphabetical order. Each listed reference should be cited in the text, and each text citation should be listed in the references.
Style of Reference: APA 5
Book Reviews: Gurukul Business Review publishes reviews of new books or the books which deserves attention of the readers.
Short Communications: This section of the Journal presents case studies or short reports of research projects or reports on intervention programmers etc. Authors are welcome to contribute in this section too.
Articles should be accompanied by a declaration that the material is original, has not been published elsewhere in part or full and the same has not been submitted for publication in any other book/Journal.
Contributors may email their manuscript (with copyright form) at:
Thanks & Regards
Prof.(Dr.) Pankaj Madan
Head & Dean
Faculty of Management Studies
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar - 249404
Uttarakhand, INDIA
Ph: +911334-246699; 7500622221
Fax: +911334-246699
Faculty of Management Studies![]()
Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar - 249404
Uttarakhand, INDIA